Property Classes

Property Classes represent data structures with dynamic runtime reflection enabled on them, all of them inheriting from a common PropertyClass base.

On a high-level, they can be thought of as

class PropertyClass {
    /** Called before serialization. */
    virtual void OnPreSave() = 0;

    /** Called after serialization. */
    virtual void OnPostSave() = 0;

    /** Called before deserialization. */
    virtual void OnPreLoad() = 0;

    /** Called after deserialization. */
    virtual void OnPostLoad() = 0;


Properties are the reflected C++ members of a class. Note that these are not representative of the actual amount of members in total or their memory layout at all.

Notoriously, properties can either be enum types, bitflag types, or regular value types. They all have a name (which potentially differs from the actual C++ member name), a unique integer ID, and a set of configuration flags assigned.

Distinction between pointer types (raw and smart), references and value types is performed.

The subsections of discuss all the important attributes and their importance.


It is valid to name properties after a nested path into the object it carries as a value.

Consider the following example:

union gid {
    unsigned __int64 m_full;

A property gid m_id; may in reality carry the name m_id.m_full, which indicates that instead of the gid serialization routine, the unsigned __int64 routine should be used for the m_full member.

Such a m_id.m_full property would correspondingly also report unsigned __int64 as its type instead of union gid.


Each property may carry a set of flag bits which influence its behavior. The following is a non-exhaustive list of known flag bits and their purpose:

0Property value can be saved
1Property value may be copied/cloned
2Property has public visibility
3Property may be transmitted to players over the network
4Property may be transmitted to privileged players over the network
5Property may be persistently saved in database
6The property is deprecated and must be skipped by the serializer
8Property may only be re-serialized if modified
9The std::string property stores a binary blob
16Property must not be edited
17std::strings holding file names
18Set on properties of class Color type (some were forgotten)
20C-style bit flag enum type
21C++ enum class type where variants are scoped
22std::wstrings holding i18n keys for GUI elements
23std::strings holding string table key values
24Property is a key for its containing class
25Property is a key for a different class
27Property that holds the name of its containing class
28Set on properties that have the __BASECLASS option

Note that bits 16-28 are mostly editor hints without any semantic features to them.


Every property further has a container type associated with it. Containers are dynamically-sized, homogenous collections of elements of the same type.

Containers are dynamically-sized, homogenous collections of elements of type T.

A property always reports the T as its type. Strictly speaking, a List<std::string> property actually has type std::string and the "List" container assigned to it.

The actual containers directly map onto C++ types:

ContainerProperty typeC++ type signature


Enums come in two variants:

  • Plain, old C-style enums which are used as bit flag types.

  • C++ enums with scoped variants

In both cases, the enum variants are runtime-accessible as options of variant name and value pairs.


Options are pairs of names and values that can be assigned to a properties on an individual basis.

Most commonly, they occur with the aforementioned enum types, but they can also be used with other types to map commonly expected values to names.

Traditionally, they hold either integral or string values.

A handful of them have a special meanings associated with them. These are detailed in the following subsections.

Base classes

Some properties with std::string type have been observed to hold a special option named __BASECLASS which holds the name of a class type.

They are believed to be editor hints without any semantic impact.

Default values

Properties can be assigned default values using a special __DEFAULT option which holds a string representation of the default value a property should default to if no other value is given during initialization.

  • To set an integer property to value 1 - "__DEFAULT": "1"

  • To set a Foo-typed property to enum variant Foo::kBar - "__DEFAULT": "kBar"


Reflection allows runtime interaction with property classes in one of the following ways:

  • Introspection of values with unknown types

  • Iterating over properties

  • Querying properties by name/ID

  • Accessing aforementioned property metadata

  • Check if class is subclass of a certain other type

  • Clone/copy property values into different types