KIWAD Archives

The "KingsIsle Where's All the Data?" format (name guessed) is a custom file format used by the game to bundle all kinds of game assets in archives. The format presumably draws inspiration from the original Doom WAD format and similarly uses .wad as file extension.

Archives consist of a header, followed by the file table, and lastly the encoded file data as described in the table. All data is assumed to be encoded in little-endian byteorder unless stated otherwise.

The header may consume 13 or 14 bytes in size and outlines the amount of files to expect in the archive:

0x0string"KIWAD" as an ASCII string
0x5uint32The KIWAD version that is used
0x9uint32An integer holding the amount of files in the archive
0xDuint8optional; WAD Flags if version >= 2


On file format versions >= 2, the header encodes a mask of configuration bits which should be treated as implementation-defined for the most parts; KIWAD implementations can safely ignore these bit flags and always write 0.

This is how the official client uses them:

0Memory-maps the file view
1Prefetches the file handle

File table

This table consists of n repetitions of the file structure, where n is the number of archived files as encoded in the header.


This structure denotes the metadata of an encoded file, needed for extraction and validation:

0x0uint32The start offset of the file data in the archive
0x4uint32The size of the uncompressed file in bytes
0x8int32The size of the compressed file in bytes
0xCboolWhether the encoded file data is compressed
0xDuint32The checksum of the file data
0x11uint32The length of the file's path in the archive in bytes
0x15char[]The archive file name as a null-terminated string


If a file is compressed, the corresponding file table entry encodes its uncompressed size and the compressed size and the data will run through zlib.

If a file is stored uncompressed, -1 (or 0xFFFF_FFFF) will be written for its compressed size.

Notably, only .mp3 and .ogg files are shipped uncompressed in official archives by KingsIsle.


The checksum of a file is calculated by CRC32 using the polynomial 0x4C11DB7 and reversed input and output values:

import crcengine

crc32 = crcengine.create(0x04C11DB7, 32, 0, xor_out=0)

assert crc32(b"KIWAD") == 4265429514