Game Transition

This is a continuation of the Authentication Chapter.

After successful exchange of MSG_USER_AUTHEN_V3 and MSG_USER_AUTHEN_RSP messages, the graphical client is now up and running in posession of the player's UserID, username and ClientKey2.

The next step is the transition from Patch Client to WizardGraphicalClient.


PassKey3, or PK3, is derived from ClientKey2 by the client and will be sent to the server. It uses the same algorithm as ClientKey1:

from base64 import b64encode as base64
from hashlib import sha512

# Feed ClientKey2 into the hasher.
state = sha512(clientkey2)
# Mix in salt built from currently cached session information.
# NOTE: These may NOT be the same values which were used for authentication.

# Receive PK3 as the base64-encoded hash of *ClientKey2* and *salt*.
passkey3 = base64(state.digest())

Identity Validation


The game client first sends MSG_USER_VALIDATE with the previously obtained UserID and PassKey3.

The same MachineID and PatchClientID that were already used in MSG_USER_AUTHEN_V3 should be sent to reduce the possibility of account theft if machines were switched in-between authentication and validation. Servers should do the mandatory checks.


The server is then supposed to respond with MSG_USER_VALIDATE_RSP. This once again contains an echo of the UserID, PayingUser and a potential error code.


The error codes are once again string IDs with known values listed below:

StringWhen to send
""No error
"AccountBanned"User's account is banned
"MachineBanned"User's machine is banned
"ValidateFailed"Invalid PK3 for user or internal server error
"Timeout"Timeout while trying to process the request

Load Balancing

Busy Queue

Immediately after MSG_USER_VALIDATE_RSP, the server is expected to follow up with MSG_USER_ADMIT_IND.

This is a load balancing mechanism with the Game Server to ensure not too many users are trying to enter the game at the same time.

The server is expected to maintain a FIFO queue of users trying to enter the game and admit them one at a time when the server can currently handle the load.

When the queue positions of users change, they are supposed to be informed with MSG_USER_ADMIT_IND every time. The user that was removed from the queue is position 0.



Afk Handling

The server is expected to kick AFK players at fixed intervals to prevent them from taking up server resources unnecessarily.

Each time the player clicks a button in the WizardGraphicalClient, a MSG_LOGIN_NOT_AFK message should be sent to reset the kick interval for the current connection.

When the interval expires, the server should free all resources, send a user-facing notification, and close the connection.